WERG Small Groups
The Women Employee Resource Group created four small groups to help women connect with one another and address both professional and personal topics. The small groups typically meet every other month (August, October, December, February, April, June) at a day/time determined by the leader(s) of the small group. Participation is open to all women at OU.
If you have any questions about the small groups, please contact [email protected].
Group Co-Leaders:
Denise McConkey ([email protected])
Nancy Osmialowski ([email protected])
This group is for higher education professionals who are interested in learning ways to enhance career opportunities and develop as professionals in higher education.
2021 - 2022 Meeting schedule coming soon!
Group Co-Leaders:
Andreea Bordeianu ([email protected])
Ann Selva ([email protected])
This group is for working moms and caregivers looking for support, encouragement, and tips and tricks on ways to get it all done.
2021 - 2022 Meeting schedule coming soon!
Group Co-Leaders:
Joanne Tarling ([email protected])
Sarah Wood ([email protected])
This group is for women interested in striving for balance. Discussions will focus on life strategies incorporating the wellness wheel (physical, occupational, educational, etc.).
Group Leader:
Jean Ann Miller ([email protected])
This group is for women at OU who have been in the field of higher education (Admin, Faculty, AP, CT, Other) for more than seven years. Discussions will focus on what opportunities are available, challenges being faced, and making connections.
Women Employee Resource Group