860 Data Management and Information Security
NUMBER: | 860 |
RATIONALE: To provide guidelines with regard to the responsibility of every Oakland University (University) employee who accesses Data and information in electronic formats to provide for the security of that Data. Unauthorized access to such information may have many severe negative consequences, including adversely affecting the reputation of the University. The use of Mobile Computing Devices, electronic file exchanges, and the growing use of cloud service providers increase the vulnerability of University Electronic Data and information assets. As new technologies are developed and implemented, and as new laws covering Data security emerge, issues multiply around Data management and security. |
POLICY: Electronic Data are important University assets that must be protected by appropriate safeguards and managed with respect to Data stewardship. This policy defines the required Electronic Data management environment and classifications of Data, and assigns responsibility for ensuring Data and information privacy and security at each level of access and control. |
SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This policy applies to all University personnel and affiliated users with access to University Data. |
DEFINITIONS: Affiliated Users: Vendors and guests who have a relationship to OU and need access to university systems. Application: A computer software program run on a computer for the purpose of providing a business/academic/social function. Cloud: An on-demand availability, geographically dispersed infrastructure of computer system resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the end user. Clouds may be limited to a single organization (Private Cloud), or be available to many organizations (Public Cloud). Cloud-computing providers offer their "services" according to three standard models: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Data Classifications: All Electronic Data covered by this policy are assigned one of three classifications:
Data Custodian: Persons or departments providing operational support for an information system and having responsibility for implementing the Data Maintenance and Control Method defined by the Data Steward. Data Maintenance and Control Method: The process defined and approved by the Data Steward to handle the following tasks:
Data Steward: The persons responsible for University functions and who determine Data Maintenance and Control Methods are Data Stewards. Electronic Data/Data: Distinct pieces of information, intentionally or unintentionally provided to the University in a variety of administrative, academic and business processes. This policy covers all Data stored on any electronic media, and within any computer systems defined as a University information technology resource under OU AP&P #890 Use of University Information Technology Resources. Within this document, Electronic Data and Data are used interchangeably. This definition does not include course materials and intellectual property. Mobile Computing Devices: Information technology resources (as defined in OU AP&P #890 Use of University Information Technology Resources) that may leave the general campus location. Samples of such devices include, but are not limited to, laptops, tablets, cell phones, smart phones, and other portable devices, CD/DVD R/W disks, USB devices, flash drives, etc. Operation Critical Data: Data determined to be critical and essential to the successful operation of the University as a whole, and whose loss or corruption would cause a severe detrimental impact to continued operations. Data receiving this classification require a high level of protection against accidental distribution, exposure or destruction, and must be covered by high quality disaster recovery and business continuity measures. Data in this category include Data stored on Enterprise Systems such as Banner and Data passed through networked communications systems. Such Data may be released or shared under defined, specific procedures for disclosure, such as departmental guidelines, documented procedures or policies. University Provided Data Systems: Information technology resources, as defined and described in OU AP&P #890 Use of University Information Technology Resources, owned by the University and used for the storage, maintenance and processing of University Data. Unrestricted Data: Information that may be released or shared as needed. Examples are Data files for the schedule of classes or other publicly available Data such as a directory. Usage/Data Use: Usage and Data Use are used interchangeably and are defined as gathering, viewing, storing, sharing, transferring, distributing, modifying, printing and otherwise acting to provide a Data maintenance environment. |
PROCEDURES: Data Stewards are expected to create, communicate and enforce Data Maintenance and Control Methods. Data Stewards are also expected to have knowledge of functions in their areas and the data and information used in support of those functions. Vice Presidents are accountable for the ultimate data management and stewardship in their respective areas of responsibility, and are the default Data Stewards for all University Data. Recognized Data Stewards are listed in the Attached Approval Table. 2. Data Maintenance and Control Method Data Stewards will develop and maintain Data Maintenance and Control Methods for their assigned systems. 3. Data Custodianship Data Custodians will use data in compliance with the established Data Maintenance and Control Method. Failure to process or handle Data in compliance with the established method for a system will be considered a violation of OU AP&P #890 Use of University Information Technology Resources, and sanctions defined in that policy may apply. 4. Data Usage In all cases, Data provided to the University will be used in accordance with the Privacy Statement accessed from the University home page c5xw.hpbvtv.com, and within the guidelines provided to those giving Data to the University (guidelines provided by the Data source). Data will be released in accordance with University policies (such as OU AP&P #470 Release of Student Educational Records). Requests for information from external agencies (such as Freedom of Information Act requests, subpoenas, law enforcement agency requests, or any other request for Data from an external source) must be directed to the Office of Legal Affairs and processed in accordance with existing policies, particularly Authorized Use in OU AP&P #890 Use of University Information Technology Resources. Standards for secure file transmissions, or Data exchanges, must be evaluated by University Technology Services when a system other than a University Provided Data System is selected or when a Public Cloud is utilized. Specific contract language may be required. The Office of Legal Affairs must be consulted regarding such language. Unencrypted authorization and Data transmission are not acceptable. Data Used in the pursuit of teaching, learning, research and administration must be managed to preserve integrity and trust. This is the responsibility of all who use Data. Communications of Confidential Data via end-user messaging technologies (i.e., email, instant messaging, chat or other communication methods) is prohibited. UTS can validate if a particular technology is suitable for communicating Confidential Data. 5. Storing data Data cannot be stored on a system other than a University Provided Data System without the advance permission of the Data Steward and demonstrated legitimate need. Data cannot be stored on a University-provided Computing Device unless the device is encrypted without the advance permission of the Data Steward and demonstrated legitimate need. Data must be stored on devices and at locations approved by Data Stewards. If information technology resources (computers, printers and other items defined in OU AP&P #890 Use of University Information Technology Resources) are stored at an off-campus location, the location must be approved by Data Stewards and UTS prior to using such resources to store University Data. New technology enables the storage of Data on fax machines, copiers, cell phones, point-of-sale devices and other electronic equipment. Data Stewards are responsible for discovery of stored Data and removal of the Data prior to release of the equipment. When approving Mobile Computing Device Usage, Data Stewards must verify that those using Mobile Computing Devices can provide information about what Data was stored on the device (such as a copy of the last backup) in the event the device is lost or stolen. In all cases, Data storage must comply with University retention policies. Data Usage in a Public Cloud system must have specific retention standards written in the service contract. The Office of Legal Affairs must be consulted regarding such language. Provisions for the return of all University Data in the event of contract termination must be included in the contract, when Data are stored on a Public Cloud. The Office of Legal Affairs must be consulted regarding such language. Current security standards (such as controlled access, personal firewalls, antivirus, fully updated and patched operating systems, etc.) will be evaluated when a system other than a University Provided Data System is selected and must be covered in contract language. The Office of Legal Affairs must be consulted regarding such language. Data stored on Mobile Computing Devices must be protected by current security standard methods (such as controlled access, firewalls, antivirus, fully updated and patched operating systems, etc.). University standard procedures for the protection and safeguarding of Confidential Data and Operation Critical Data must be applied equally and without exception to University Provided Data Systems, Mobile Computing Devices and systems other than University Provided Data Systems, such as Public Cloud solution. 6. Systems and network data Systems and network Data, generated through systems or network administration, logs or other system recording activities, cannot be used, or captured, gathered, analyzed or disseminated, without the advance permission of the Chief Information Officer, University Technology Services.
8. Sanctions Failure to follow the guidelines contained in this document will be considered inappropriate use of a University information technology resource and therefore a violation of OU AP&P #890 Use of University Information Technology Resources. Sanctions will follow the steps identified in that policy. 9. Data Security Breach Review Panel A Data Security Breach Review Panel (Panel) comprised of the following members will be established: Associate Vice President and Controller Chief Information Officer Chief of Police Director of Campus Communications Registrar Director of Risk Management Office of Legal Affairs If unauthorized access to Confidential Data is discovered, a member of the Panel must be contacted, who will then convene the Panel. This contact with the Panel must be initiated as soon as possible after the breach in order to assist the University in meeting its legal obligations, and may be initiated by the Data Steward, by the user of the Data, by the owner of a missing or stolen laptop or storage device, or by anyone who has become aware of unauthorized Data access.
The Panel will:
RELATED POLICIES AND FORMS: OU AP&P #212 Bankcard Information Security Requirements OU AP&P #360 Property Management OU AP&P #870 Software Regulations OU AP&P #1000 Procurement Policy OU AP&P #1050 Risk Management/Insurance Policies & Procedures |
OU Administrative Policies and Procedures