General Information
CAS Advisers are here to help answer questions like:
- How long will it take to complete a degree?
- What courses satisfy requirements?
- Is the major I’ve selected appropriate for my goals?
- Should I consider a minor or concentration?
- Can I take courses here or at another school during the summer?
Other services advisers can provide are:
- Referrals to other campus resources.
- Graduation audits
- Career planning
Want to take advantage of the CAS Advising Office?
Here are some helpful tips:
- Check your OU email!
- Make an advising appointment at least once a year.
- Meet with your major Faculty Adviser on a regular basis.
- Write down your questions ahead of time for any advising appointment..
- Make a list of possible classes for the upcoming year
- Educate yourself about OU’s policies, procedures, and resources
- Know the Important Dates!
- Follow up on Adviser referrals
- Become familiar with your degree requirements
- Check the Undergraduate Catalog and your Progress to Degree.
- Know your rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Explore areas of interest and career paths
- Speak with your faculty advisor
- Join interest and major related student organizations
- Attend campus interest and career events
- Meet with Career Services
Need to set up an appointment with your Academic Adviser? Call us at (248) 370-4567 today!
Deciding to drop a class is a decision not to be made lightly. Here are some things to consider when deciding to drop a class:
Understand your options: c5xw.hpbvtv.com/dropornot
What is the difference between, “dropping,” a class and, “withdrawing,” from a class?
“Dropping,” a class means that no grade will be assigned for the course, and it will not show up on your transcript. “Withdrawing,” from a class means that a grade of, “W,” will be assigned, and it will show up on your transcript.
The date you decide to exit the course determines if you are dropping or withdrawing from the class. Refer to these important dates to ensure you do not miss the,”Drop,” or, “Withdraw,” deadline.
You can drop a course before the drop deadline through SAIL. After the drop deadline, you can withdraw from a course through SAIL or by submitting an Official Withdrawal Form to the Office of the Registrar at North Foundation Hall, Room 160.
How will it affect my GPA?
As long as a class is dropped or withdrawn from before the deadline, it will not count towards your GPA. Simply not attending class and not officially dropping or withdrawing from the class will result in the professor assigning the appropriate grade, which will count towards your GPA.
How will it affect my Financial Aid?
Withdrawn credits count towards credit hours attempted, while dropping a class does not. 67% of your cumulative credits must be attempted at the end of each semester before warning status is assigned. Also, no refund is given for Withdrawn credits.
Check out more information about Financial Aid.
Still need help deciding if you should drop a class? Contact your CAS Adviser at (248) 370-4567.
Volunteering throughout your college career can be incredibly beneficial. Here are some of the wonderful ways volunteering can help you attain a successful career:
- Networking
You’ll meet a ton of new people, some who might be important contacts down the road. - Develop New Skills
Communication, leadership, and teamwork skills are built that look great on a resume. - Find a Passion
A sense of achievement will improve your overall happiness and employers will be impressed with your dedication. - Scholarships
Many scholarships are impressed by community involvement.
Find out more information about volunteering!
Experiential Learning – Internships
An internship is an excellent way to get a taste of a specific career. They allow students to apply their skills in a work setting, pick up new skills, and learn the corporate culture of a business. Not to mention the fact that they look great on a resume!
What kinds of internships are there?
Internships can be paid or unpaid and may also count for credit towards your degree. There are internships in almost every field; you just have to find them!
How do I get an internship?
You can apply for internships on-campus and off-campus, paid and unpaid, at Handshake. You can also talk to your Internship Coordinator, faculty adviser, or network with professors to find other opportunities. Career Services is great for finding opportunities, perfecting your resume, or practicing your interview skills!
Here’s more information on the benefits of internships.
What is academic probation and dismissal?
To stay in good academic standing, students must not have their cumulative GPA drop below a 2.00. Students should also check the Undergraduate Catalog to ensure they are meeting the requirements for their departments.
If students are not making satisfactory academic progress toward a degree, they will be put on probation at the end of a semester. They will be allowed to stay at OU on probationary status for at least one semester in order to return to good academic standing by raising their cumulative GPA to a 2.00. Students with 24 or more credit hours who do not meet minimum GPA requirements will be in jeopardy of being dismissed from OU.
Those on Academic Probation should complete the Probation Tutorial and:
- Go to and review the Academic Success Website.
- Explore resources that will help you become a better learner.
- Schedule an appointment with your CAS adviser by calling (248) 370-4567.
Find out more details about Academic Probation/Dismissal.
Time for Graduation!
Here are some easy-to-follow steps to ensure your graduation process goes smoothly:
- Get a Graduation Audit from your CAS and Faculty Advisors, assuring you will meet all your degree requirements on time for graduation. (It is highly recommended that students make an appointment with your CAS adviser to get a grad audit at the end of your Junior year.)
- Submit an Application for Degree.
- Make sure you meet all commencement deadlines (refer to these important dates)!
Once your application has been submitted, it will be reviewed and a final graduation list will be released 8 weeks after the final exams of that session or semester. Diplomas will be mailed to the address on your application.
Find out more about Commencement.
Don’t forget to meet with your Academic Adviser to make sure you have met your degree requirements! Schedule an appointment at (248) 370-4567.
Pre-Professional Advising can help you with
- Career options
- Pre-Health events
- Academic preparation
- Preparing to apply to competitive health related programs!
Sign-up for OU Pre-Health Information Announcements through GrizzOrgs:
- Log-in to your MySail account.
- On the right hand side, scroll down to Campus Life.
- Click on GrizzOrgs
- You can then look for OU Pre-Professional Advising.
Check out Oakland University’s Pre-Professional website and learn more information about the following programs:
- Medical (MD & DO)
- Physician Assistant
- Dental
- Optometry
- Veterinary
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- and more!
College of Arts and Sciences Advising
614 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-4567
College of Arts and Sciences
Dean's Office
Varner Hall, Room 217
371 Varner Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4485
(location map)
(248) 370-2140
Fax: (248) 370-4280
[email protected]